OnScript AI

Insurance Industry Leader Achieves 30% QC Cost Reduction and 10% Revenue Increase with OnScript Integration

Our client, a leader in their industry, integrated OnScript into their operations, aiming to improve quality control, enhance revenue, ensure compliance, maintain consistency, gain better data insights, and boost management efficiency. This case study explores the significant impact OnScript has had on their business processes and outcomes.

Call Details

Cost Savings

revious Method

Previous Method

Onshore Labor, Internal Management Resources

The client previously relied on a combination of onshore labor and internal management resources for quality control, which was costly and complex to manage.

revious Method

Impact of OnScript:

Since integrating OnScript, the client has achieved a 30% reduction in quality control costs. This saving is attributed to the automation of processes and reduced reliance on human labor.





General Sentiments:

Agent: 80%Prospect: 70%
Introduction and Greeting
Confirm Speaking to Authorized Person
Enrollment Status Check - Initial
Verify Number of Medications - Initial
Discuss Debt Relief Plan Options
Confirm Debt Amount and Types
Verify Eligibility for Debt Relief
Information Verification and Validation
Compile List of Creditors
Provide Confirmation Statement
Address Unprofessional Behavior
Correct Misleading Information
Discuss Eligibility for Government Programs
Evaluation Disabled
Enrollment Status Check - Final
Evaluation Disabled
Verify Number of Medications - Final
Evaluation Disabled

Revenue Enhancement

OnScript has contributed to a 10% increase in revenue per hour for the client.

More specific feedback to agents from A.I., leads to higher quality transfers. Equals more billable leads

Sentiment Analysis Example




Engagement and Clarity




General Sentiment


Politeness Level



Not Detected


To further enhance your performance, focus on expressing more empathy and enthusiasm, particularly when addressing sensitive financial matters. By actively listening and responding to clients' concerns with genuine understanding, you can build stronger rapport and trust. Additionally, try to anticipate potential difficulties the client may face and offer clear, proactive solutions to guide them smoothly through the debt relief process.


The agent demonstrated a strong level of professionalism and clarity throughout the call. Their communication was precise and they maintained a positive and supportive attitude. However, there were opportunities where the agent could have shown greater empathy and enthusiasm, especially when the client was discussing their financial struggles. Improving in these areas could significantly enhance the client's experience and satisfaction.




Engagement and Clarity




General Sentiment


Politeness Level



Not Detected


The client was generally cooperative and polite during the call, although they appeared stressed and anxious at times, particularly when discussing their debt. This could be attributed to the emotional burden of their financial situation. Their engagement was moderate, and they occasionally needed reassurance and clarification about the debt relief process. A more empathetic and supportive approach could help alleviate their concerns and build confidence in the solutions offered.

Compliance Rating Improvement

We are getting more coverage with less input on our end. We are using OnScript on new campaigns to quickly ID agents that aren not complying and get them back the right track, almost instantly. Same on existing campaigns we can more easily follow new agent trends and quickly make corrections.

Percentage Increase


Consistency Rating Improvement

Because we have exact control of each task , we can give the same feedback over and over if needed. Nothing gets missed. Basically , OnScript does not get lazy with feedback, like a human does.

Percentage Increase


Percentage Increase


Data Insight Rating Improvement

Onscript picks up on sentiment and energy well, gives us good feedback when agents aren't on there game. All of the other data points on any specific tasks gives us a great view of where we are failing/succeeding on individual campaigns. The task scoring average is instant information on how we are performing week to week or further.

Honesty of Publishers and Buyers


We can evaluate how everyone is doing there job , in a quick snap shot. Without having to check endless calls. We can ID problems very quickly.

Management Efficiency


Onscript takes on all of the information very quickly , and presents it a way that is easy to interpret and easy to get to the entire team in one shot. Previously we would have live reps listening and giving feedback , its very inconstant and things get missed, information just did not flow as smooth. Previously we would have lower performing reps "fly under the radar" , now we can catch and correct everything.

Key Metrics Summary

MetricPercentage Increase
Cost Savings+30%
Revenue Increase+10%
Compliance Rating+50%
Consistency Rating+50%
Data Insight Rating+100%
Honesty Rating+80%
Management Efficiency Rating+125%


The integration of OnScript has led to substantial improvements in cost savings, revenue, compliance, consistency, data insight, and management efficiency for the client. By automating and optimizing various processes, OnScript has driven significant operational enhancements and financial benefits.